Limassol District
a story of many centuries
Anogyra is a village in the district of Limassol. It is about 45 kilometers from the city of Limassol and is located in a beautiful location overgrown with carob trees, almond trees and vines.
There are numerous theories on the origin of the village’s name. One of them claims that the term Anogyra stems from “Ano Gyroi.” According to this story, the existing settlement was the upper portion of a village named “Gyroi” that was located further south of its current location. According to a second theory, the name derives from the plant “anagyris,” which may still be found throughout the community. According to a different account, the settlement received its name from the “Ano Iera,” i.e., from the sanctuaries that once existed in the region of the modern village. According to Antonis Papageorgiou’s book “Etymological About Cyprus,” the name Anogyra most likely derives from the Greek word “onogyros,” which means thistle.