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Michael Church

 Archangelos Michael Church in Anogyra Village
In the heart of the town of Anogyra stands the village church dedicated to the archangel Michael. It is a rectangular structure from the late 18th century. Over one door is a sundial, and in the corner of the other entry is an imitation of Gothic architecture in the form of relief art. Every year, the church celebrates on November 8 and September 6.


 Archangelos Michael Church in Anogyra Village
Agios Ioannis Chapel in Anogyra Village

Church Services


+357 99 336 221

Open Hours

Request a visit
Open on Sundays for the church service


For Everyone

Discover The Spot

Direction Map
Village Square in Gourri
Village Square in Gourri
Village Square in Gourri
Village Square in Gourri
Village Square in Gourri
Village Square in Gourri
Village Square in Gourri