A few hundred metres before to the entry to the village of Anogyra, on the right side of the road, are the ruins of the 14th-century Monastery of Timiou and Zoopoiou Stavros, which was constructed in a late Roman proto-Byzantine settlement. There remain the ruins of two three-aisled basilicas from her time, as well as an ancient hamlet thought to be part of the “Land of Anogyri.” During the Frankish time, the modest church of the Holy and Animal Cross was commonly utilised. To them, the walls of the Monastery are sufficient Hagiographies, and within the temple, the believer foreshadows the future completion of the kingdom of heaven projected from this life. This Cross was relocated for protection during tough times to the Monastery of the Holy Cross and Zoopoiou Stavros in Omodos, where it remains to this day.
Every first of August, a festival is conducted in the courtyard of the monastery.
Monastery Services
+357 99 336 221
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Open on Sundays for the church service